My opinions

BIPEnables for instanceStateOpinion
BIP-042Finite supply for 2214FinalSupport it
BIP-052Analog POW pc's, less energy useDrawftTo late | Against it now
BIP-112CSV, Lightning NetworkFinalSupport it
BIP-118Eltoo, anyprevoutanyscript, ArkDrawftAgainst it
BIP-119CTV, Covenants, Drivechains, Vaults, ArkDrawftAgainst it
BIP-125Opt-in RBFProposedNeutral
BIP-141SegWit, Lightning Network, OrdinalsFinalSupport it
BIP-148Activation of segwit deploymentFinalSupport it
BIP-300Hashrate Escrows, DrivechainsDrawftAgainst it
BIP-341Taproot, Taro, ZeroLink tx's, OrdinalsFinalSupport it
BIP-343Activation of taproot deploymentFinalSupport it

Here are all BIPs

Here is an overview of op-codes

Weither I support a BIP in totall or not does not mean I agree or disagree with everything it enables

I did not yet had the time to add more BIPs. For now I added only the most discussed ones, since they are the most likley to be added first.